파워 호버: 크루즈는 최고로 인기 있는 파워 호버 게임의 속편입니다.
위험 요소가 무작위로 생성되기 때문에 똑같은 상황을 두 번 겪을 필요가 없습니다! 리더보드에서 친구들을 제치고 세계 정상을 차지하세요!
• 리더보드가 있는 12개의 독특한 무한 스테이지
• 로봇과 차량을 포함한 17개의 맞춤 캐릭터
• 게임 갤러리 아이템 잠금해제
• 목표달성
• 클라우드 저장 지원
• 오리지널 사운드트랙
Machine: Race after a crazed machine in a deep underground tunnel, ride on the floor, walls or ceiling and avoid the lazers and spiky things!
Air: Go for a ride among the clouds and take on the wildly spinning machinery. Spin spin!
Pyramid: Lazers, jump ramps, moving walls and rotating spikes. Ancient tomb made for riding fast!
Dive: Descend into the darkness, fluorescent lights guide the way as you spiral out of control in this underwater tunnel full of rotating hazards!
Metro: Do the zigzag in this super fast city track, avoid all the spiky, rotating, moving things while youre at it!
Halfpipe: Ride on the halfpipe hitting thought tiny gaps and avoiding spike-balls and moving lasers!
Tunnel: Its never ending darkness here! Slow-motion collectables makes your cruise easier (or not)!
Rings: Breeze along the planetary ring system, watch out for the space junk!
Cut edge: Up and down and up again!
Futurism: Boxes and Breakable walls!
Good Luck: You do not want to stare the lasers!
Wasteland - Abandoned and broken passage!
Wonderful places for a nice Sunday cruise!